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 5 colors for your bedroom to make it Vastu-friendly

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Red & Pink

As per Vastu Shastra, the warm shades of red and pink is As per Vastu Shastra, the warm shades of red and pink signify attraction and passion-making these shades an ideal pick for a couples’ bedroom. Red and pink are also considered to be symbolic of romance in general so you can choose this shade for the bedroom without any second thoughts. To add these hues in the bedroom, your options can be the furniture in a mahogany finish, the furnishings like duvets and throws in shades of pink and reds or the wallpaper that covers the entire wall or just the one behind the headboard.


This vastu color for the bedroom gives you an option to experiment with a range of shades that can vary from eggshell to marble white. White is a colour that feels classic and refined, and in the bedroom, it will bring serenity and tranquility. The blanched canvas would also give you options to pair with other soft hues such as cream, lilac, pale grey, and even sepia. Symbolizing light and peace in Vastu Shastra, a white bedroom will bring a sense of freedom and calm to the individuals inhabiting it.


The shade of brown is ideal for a Southwest facing bedroom as the colour stands for earth or the ‘Prithvi Tatwa’. This would bring a sheltered and stable feeling in the bedroom. The brown can also be combined with other deep hues like brick red, light-brown, ochre yellow etc. This Vastu colour for the bedroom does not have to be limited to the wall paint-it can be used for or extended to flooring, furniture, furnishings and window treatments as well.


For a north facing room, green would be a great choice. This vibrant shade would look good in a kids’ room and is also a shade that is gender-neutral. The green shade in Vastu signifies growth, prosperity, creativity and is also very pleasing to the eyesight. This shade also helps in creating a calm vibe that promotes healing. Incorporate this colour in the bedroom through storage cabinets or furnishings to foster a positive environment for your child.

Vnita kasnia punjab


The shade of yellow represents positivity and happiness in Vastu. Yellow also stands for optimism, openness, intelligence, wealth and concentration. This colour in the bedroom would increase mental prowess of its inhabitants and encourage them to be more positive in life. As per Vastu, the sunny shade is an ideal choice for professionals and students as it will boost their overall young persona.


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